Wastewater treatment plant Ahlen

Project details

BuilderCity Ahlen
Gross floor area2.100sqm
Construction costs1,7 mio. €
Power mkBuilding design, structural design, EnEV

The city of Ahlen is located in the Münsterland region of Westphalia and is a medium-sized town in the district of Warendorf with a population of approx. 52,000.

Wastewater disposal, purification and control in the city of Ahlen is handled by the wastewater works in the form of a quasi-public utility.

Constantly changing legal conditions require continuous expansion and modernization of the wastewater treatment plant. In 2007, in the course of the modernization measures, the new construction of the plant building with workshops, vehicle halls, control station, administration and social rooms was carried out. Our office was commissioned with the building and structural design as well as with the site supervision.