A milestone for 3D concrete printing

3D Printed House

Meter by meter, layer by layer: Using a new type of pressure process for concrete, this extraordinary single-family house with 160 m2 of living space grew upwards piece by piece within 8 months.

The characteristic lines of the pressure layers still show unmistakably today: For this house, neither stones were lifted nor prefabricated parts were assembled. And that is just the beginning.

The German Innovation Award recognizes cross-industry products and solutions that stand out primarily for their user-centricity and added value compared to previous solutions.

Learn more about 3D concrete printing

Realized, promoted and awarded:


Germany’s first house from a 3D printer

Multiple awards

HeidelbergCement AG, Heidelberg, Germany, www.heidelbergcement.de
PERI GmbH, Weißenhorn, Germany, www.peri.de
Mense-Korte GbR, ingenieure+architekten, Beckum, Germany
Ingenieurbüro Schießl Gehlen Sodeikat GmbH, Munich, Germany, www.ib-schiessl.de
Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, www.tum.de


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Impressions from the first 3d printed house in Germany

Our concrete printing house